Sunday, January 6, 2008

Shirt Dress Tunic

I've decided one of my sewing projects is going to be a version of this dress from Target:

I tried it on in the store today (and instead of clothing bought space heaters...) and liked the way it looked except for the odd gathered bits; the picture is awful so you can't see them, but it makes the collar bunch up oddly and so forth. Not flattering. But the back was flattering and I liked the length and versatility. And the contrasting colored ribbon, though it needs to be tied off center to work. They had a variety of patterns, which were all vibrant and I am getting rather tired of solid colors, which is most of my wardrobe.

Since the dress didn't fit, I decided I'd make my own. It looks to be a simple pattern, but I haven't been able to find one online. Did find some great material, though. The choices range from geometric prints to flowers to numbers and I'm having a hard time deciding, though I've knocked about 10 out of the running. Feel free to comment-vote and tell me which one I should use. Tomorrow I might run by a fabric store (I'm going to the knitting store first) and see if I can track down a pattern that would work. If anyone has any suggestions, though, let me know!

I just played around with Flickr mosaics/collages and figured out how to upload a collage of the dress with fabric choices so you don't have to change pages. Here it is:

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